Hi Everybody!
After a long time I am here. I was very busy with my studies. But my today’s post:
Most of the time, after finishing my jobs at the university, I try to go from the department to main entrance/exit of the university by myself. I use manual wheelchair and because of weakness of my arms, I need help in sloped pathways. In the aforementioned route, there are two sloped paths: the ramp of the department and a short path which connects two main streets of the university. I usually request people to help me in these positions. Sometimes people ask me: “Can I help you?” and I reply, smilingly: “Yes! Please!”. They usually are in back of me and I do not turn my head for checking who they are and what there is in their hands!!
Last week:
After a long time I am here. I was very busy with my studies. But my today’s post:
Most of the time, after finishing my jobs at the university, I try to go from the department to main entrance/exit of the university by myself. I use manual wheelchair and because of weakness of my arms, I need help in sloped pathways. In the aforementioned route, there are two sloped paths: the ramp of the department and a short path which connects two main streets of the university. I usually request people to help me in these positions. Sometimes people ask me: “Can I help you?” and I reply, smilingly: “Yes! Please!”. They usually are in back of me and I do not turn my head for checking who they are and what there is in their hands!!
Last week:
I have an allergy to smoke of cigar and when I expose to it, I cough for some minutes. I do not understand why people smoke cigar! It is poisonous and is very harmful for our bodies and for the environment.
Our bodies are gifts from God and we should keep them safe. The environment is also gift and we should preserve it. When somebody smokes, molecules of smokes penetrate in the air. These molecules are very dangerous and when someone breathes, they can enter her/his respiration system and deposit on airways of her/his lung. Having clean air is right of everyone. We should respect others rights. Smoker hurts her/himself, others and the environment. Can she/he forgive her/himself?
Our bodies are gifts from God and we should keep them safe. The environment is also gift and we should preserve it. When somebody smokes, molecules of smokes penetrate in the air. These molecules are very dangerous and when someone breathes, they can enter her/his respiration system and deposit on airways of her/his lung. Having clean air is right of everyone. We should respect others rights. Smoker hurts her/himself, others and the environment. Can she/he forgive her/himself?
Today's quotation:
" It is wonderful how much time good people spend fighting the devil. If they would only expend the same amount of energy loving their fellow men, the devil would die in his own tracks of ennui." Helen Keller
hello dear narvan
ReplyDeletei'm agree with u! some people never understand that the public plces like park, universitie, schools, clinics bbelong to all and they could not and shouldn't smoke.
i really hate cigarret and a few days ago i went to clinic. i stood in the courtyard and waiting 4 my sis. an impolite and old and veryyy slim man stood some step far from me and h egan to smoke, he continually moved around and distributed the smoke of the cigarret!!!
that was so trrible 4 me.
god bless us
kiss u sweeti.
چه عكس باحالي...كاشكي ترجمه متنهاتو هم مينوشتي...لطفا بنويس...دوست دارم...راستي نقاشيا كار خودته؟
ReplyDeleteHi Narvan
ReplyDeleteNice to see you back online with ur blog. Sorry to hear wath happen and you know ur not the only victim. Anyway that’s one of the things I hate to see when I’m in a good mood.. coz I do think its biggest foolish thing that any human can do by been as a smoker. Coz they pay them self to get sick and don’t think of the consequence of what they have to go when in they turn old.. I use to question my friends what they get by smoking. Like do they feel any taste or feeling.. But they cannot give me a good answer as they don’t have any. End of the day they are not killing them self alone but they drag others with them. hope it will open up their eyes and see what they do to this world and them to self...
Take care dear
Keep up the good work.. cheers!!
For Masi:
ReplyDeleteHi, tanx for visiting my blog my dear friend. you were very patient :P If I were there, I would shout :*
For Samira:
سلام سمیرای عزیزم
آخ جون منو یافتیدی :) درواقع اینجا دفتر مشقمه واسه تمرین زبان. فقط به خاطر تو سعی می کنم از این به بعد ترجمه پستامو تو قسمت نظرات بنویسم :* و اما ماجرای این پست، من همیشه وقتی می خوام از دانشکده بیام جلوی در دانشگاه سعی می کنم خودم برم ولی چون دستام ضعیفه تو مسیرای حتی یه ذره شیبدار کمک می خوام. از در دانشکده تا در دانشگاه بیشتر سرپایینی ملایم به جز دو جا: یکی سطح شیبدار دانشکده و یکی هم یه تیکه از راه که دو تا خیابون داخل دانشگاه رو به هم وصل میکنه. همیشه اینجاها از ملت کمک می خوام و گاهی ملت میپرسن کمک میخوام و من هم با نیش باز میگم بله و نگاه هم نمیکنم ببینم طرف کیه. هفته پیش ماجرای اون عکسه اتفاق افتاد. لااقل نذاشت سیگارشو تو دهانش بمونه. بعدش نوشتم که چرا بعضی ها سیگار رو که این همه ضرر داره میکشن و باعث آزار و آسیب دیدن خود و اطرافیانشون میشن در حالیکه بدن ما و محیط اطرافمون هدیه و امانت خداست و ما باید خوب نگهداریشون کنیم. :)
قیافه من اون روز شبیه همین عکسیه که کشیدم. دوستت دارم دوستم
For Eddie:
Hi, Tanx for your valuable comments and for reading my blog :)
Merry Christmas to you.
آخيش چه خوب شد برام معنيش كرديا...چه باحال كشيدي نقاشيارو...توكلا همه چي تمومي بخدا...خوشبحال من كه دوستي مثل تودارم...جواهري...عزيزم دلم نيومد نظر خوشگل و سوذمنتو حذف كنم...اخه دوسش دارم...اشكالي داره؟
ReplyDeleteIt was so nice to hear from you again. I've really missed the days we had together, going from the literature class to the contemporary Physics. :)
ReplyDeleteFor Sayeh:
ReplyDeleteSalaam, thank you my dear friend. you are right! I never forget those days :* I miss you :)